Can you believe these are our first professional family photos we’ve taken? I’m always taking photos of Cataleya. My dad takes photos of Cataleya and I, but I’ve just kept putting our family ones off.

Can you believe these are our first professional family photos we’ve taken? I’m always taking photos of Cataleya. My dad takes photos of Cataleya and I, but I’ve just kept putting our family ones off.
24 weeks!! Gosh, 2nd pregnancies do go by fast when your chasing a toddler around. A few weeks ago I was finally able to manage not getting a B6 injection. However, I still take a Unisom at night to help me go through the day from the nausea.
Continue reading “24 Weeks – Baby Bump” →
I figure I’d do a little post update on my experience continuing breastfeeding with Cataleya during this pregnancy. I’ve got quite a few DM’s about it on Instagram. This whole journey has surprised me in every stage, whether it be when her teeth came in, nursing after she turned one, and now while I’m pregnant.
I’ve been meaning to give little updates on my pregnancy on the blog, but it’s been so challenging. However, I’m determined to document the memories because I’ve now realized how much I’ve forgotten my pregnancy with Cataleya.
I have a few memories of my parents taking us to a few baseball games back home in Denver. Especially during the 4th of July. So our whole family decided to pick up some tickets to see a game at the Dodgers stadium.
A couple weeks ago our family, including our chihuahua’s drove up to San Fransisco taking a scenic route. Leading up to our trip my dad and I built up a daily itinerary. I can handle spontaneous, but I need some general idea of what to do. Continue reading “San Francisco Getaway” →
The day Cataleya discovered that first step I’ve had my fair share of trying to catch up with her constant mind changing. Sometimes she wants to either walk, uppies ‘wear here’ usually for a nursing or chill in the stroller.
When I attended a wedding last year I convinced myself that I could nurse easily in a dress I already owned, not sure what I was thinking! I have to note also that Cataleya was a month old and nursed very frequently for a long time. Basically my nursing cover was a life saver that evening.
Continue reading “Nursing Friendly Dress + Shop Pink Blush G I V E A W A Y” →
Can you believe it’s September? Being in Southern California it’s easy to forget when fall starts since we get a few extra days of summer ?. However, I need take advantage of SchooLa sales and stock up on cloths for fall; it’s an excuse to shop.