For the past year I’ve been on a hunt for that perfect tee pee. I scrolled through tons of different styles on Esty and online retailers and I finally found the one!

For the past year I’ve been on a hunt for that perfect tee pee. I scrolled through tons of different styles on Esty and online retailers and I finally found the one!
It’s funny how I barely knew where the closest park was before becoming a mom. Now I feel like I know each one in our area. Like the back of my hand, even by all their names too.
It felt like Cataletya over night outgrew a ton of her clothes. So a few weeks ago I went on a little crazy shopping spree for her. I actually still have to grab a few shoes that I need to purchase this weekend.
The day Cataleya discovered that first step I’ve had my fair share of trying to catch up with her constant mind changing. Sometimes she wants to either walk, uppies ‘wear here’ usually for a nursing or chill in the stroller.
A couple weeks ago I met up with a few mommy friends at SoCal Children’s Museum out in Pasadena. Our friend Rachel Pitzel was actually throwing a half birthday party for Britax there, so we got mingle and catch up with her throughout while our little one’s played.
Jezriel and I drove down to Irvine to meet up with our close friends to check out Tanaka Farms Pumpkin Patch. We both coincidently wanted to check out this specific one. The best part was dressing up both of our daughters. Cataleya being The Cheshire Cat from Alice and Wonderland and Addison, her BFF, the cutest little bear!
When I attended a wedding last year I convinced myself that I could nurse easily in a dress I already owned, not sure what I was thinking! I have to note also that Cataleya was a month old and nursed very frequently for a long time. Basically my nursing cover was a life saver that evening.
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It’s so weird having this little toddler moving, rolling well even lounging around the place. She always preferred me wearing her and now its the complete opposite. I cherish those moments when I get to wear her now!
We recently attended Baby Björn’s fall launch party that was held at Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch. It was perfect timing since I’ve been wanting to take Cataleya to one and it was even cuter having her dressed as a little kitty “Cat”.