The past few months I’ve been on the hunt for a mineral sunscreen. To be honest they can be a little confusing when trying to find a safer one. I really like Wellness Mama’s post on the topic, it’s a great guide when looking into them.

The past few months I’ve been on the hunt for a mineral sunscreen. To be honest they can be a little confusing when trying to find a safer one. I really like Wellness Mama’s post on the topic, it’s a great guide when looking into them.
I have yet to buy more shelves for Cataleya’s books ?. It looks like I’m starting to hoard them. Recently, BabyLit sent us a few books ? to add to her collection. I chose A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Secret Garden and Alice in Wonderland, I want all of them!
Remember a few posts back I said we were open to trying cloth diapers, but thought we were late in the game? Well last month Jezriel and I attended The Cloth Diaper Event in Venture County.
Does having a water birth count as Cataleya’s first experience in the tub? Well since then she has not been in a tub, because our main bathroom is a shower.
Once Cataleya’s two bottom teeth came in, I questioned how the heck do you protect those precious teeth and oh I have to find a dentist also. Well,… when do babies see a dentist? I asked our dentist at Dori Dental Arts. First of all I didn’t realize you take them to a “pediatric” dentist I thought all dentists were all inclusive. Dr. Dori is totally cool and recommended us to one, which we still have to make that appointment.
Honestly, I never noticed “Earth Day” on the calendar ?. However, since having Cateleya I’ve been a little more aware of the environment, what our planet will be like in her future. I’ve been attempting to find alternatives that are environmentally friendly and that fit our family lifestyle. It’s a slow process, creating new habits take time, because I’m familiar with routines that I was brought up with.
I’ve teamed up with Re-Play Recycled and Between You and Me for not 1 but 2 separate ?G I V E A W A Y S ? that you can enter in, so read on for more details!
First of all, I actually got to meet Hillary the owner of Free Babes recently ?. Jezriel and I headed over to the ShopUp in LA at the Lombardi House. Simply Mama Yoon did a great recap of the event. I got to see quite a few vendors that I’ve been following on Instagram.
Have you heard of Waldorf Education? I haven’t, well let me take that back, I’ve only heard the word Waldorf from the character Blair on Gossip Girl. Other than that I’ve never heard of it until I kept ease dropping and hearing Waldorf at mom meet ups.
In the previous post I discussed that I decided to hold off putting oils on Cataleya and instead experiment them on Jezriel and myself first. They can be a little overwhelming when your looking at which brands to use, the individual oils, and lastly the blends.
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