While researching and trying to learn more about essential oils I stumbled across an Infant Massage Class. It was even recommended by a few mom’s that have taken the class.

While researching and trying to learn more about essential oils I stumbled across an Infant Massage Class. It was even recommended by a few mom’s that have taken the class.
After purchasing our first car seat (Uppa Mesa) two months before Cataleya was born, we left the huge box just sitting in our living room. Then I was 37 weeks pregnant and my midwife Renee asked if we installed it into our car yet ?. We just thought to swing by a fire department and have them ensure we installed it right. What we didn’t know was that most aren’t technicians nor certified. Here is a good article to read from the Car Seat Blog ?. That’s when Renee recommended Karen Apolinario, who’s is a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST).
In the past few weeks Cataleya has received her first few handmade clothes. We absolutely couldn’t wait for Holley + Sage’s Spring Collection to release earlier this month.
We have two chihuahua’s ?Luna and ?LT. They have been part of our family since they were puppies and they are now 8 and 9 years old.
Like every other parent I take so many photos of Cataleya. Sometimes they are basically the same image, but with subtle difference. Gosh they are too cute to delete! Unfortunately my iPhone doesn’t even have enough capacity to keep them stored. I constantly get that reminder on my phone “Storage Almost Full” ? so I’ve been uploading them to my external drive.
The past week was such a blur, Jezriel and I have been drinking a few extra sips of coffee, even joining Cataleya in her mid-afternoon naps, and we finally feel rested! I have to say I feel teething pain peaks in the middle of the night, am I right?
I’ve been on the hunt for leg warmers for a few months, mainly for elimination communication and easier diaper changes. Honestly, when Cataleya and I are home, you’ll likely find us in the most basic comfy cloths. She’s usually just in a onesie or PJ’s with a missing sock and I’m in a tank and leggings. However, when we are out in the about I do try to get us a little presentable.
Jez and I usually have story night with Cataleya once a week. Her little library is starting to grow. Which reminds me I need to start looking for some cute book shelves for display them on the wall.
I read somewhere online that an average baby goes through 8-10 diapers a day their first year. That wasn’t our case, we were going threw what felt like 20! ?