Our household got taken over a nasty cold last week. Even Jezriel was down for a week and as my dad would say, he’s Wolverine! He usually is just sick for a day, done and over with it.

Our household got taken over a nasty cold last week. Even Jezriel was down for a week and as my dad would say, he’s Wolverine! He usually is just sick for a day, done and over with it.
Right before Thanksgiving Jezriel and I got invited to Saje’s private first peak before their grand opening on that Friday. They are a Canadian company and they just opened their first two stores here in the US. The first one in Malibu and the second in Santa Clarita at the Valencia Mall.
The first batch I made was pretty legit, but surprisedly thought it was a tad bit too sweet. So when I made the 2nd batch that I happened to give to a few friends (sorry guys?) I put an 1/8 less of honey. To me the syrup tasted a bit watered down and the third time I stuck with the recipe. I’ve never been successful in altering a recipe ?.