Think About Your Eyes This Summer

This week is officially summer break for Cataleya, but she probably doesn’t grasp that yet. I know for a fact she notices it in our routine. I’m currently jotting down ideas to keep her busy and cool while being outside.

Here in the valley it gets up to the 100’s, (yes hot) so we can only handle being out early and/or late evenings if we aren’t at a pool. This is also the time where I prioritize my family’s appointments and this year will be Cataleya’s first annual eye exam.

Jezriel and I know Cataleya watches our habits and by us always wearing our sunglasses when outside or switching to our eyeglasses (we have specific lenses that to help reduce eye strain) when working on the computer.

We hope this will show her the importance to protecting her eyes whether we are outdoors or indoors. She is fully stocked on sunglasses and its nearly impossible to forget them. We literally have them everywhere. To add, we already minimize screen time at home year around and only use our phones when Face Timing our family.

Helpful parent alert – Go and set up your child’s annal eye exam, by clicking the link here and find a doctor near you this summer.

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Disclosure: This is sponsored by Think About Your Eyes. I have been compensated to create this post, however all opinions are my own. I only recommend products I’ve personally used and love! This post may contain affiliate links that earn me a small commission, at no additional cost to you. 

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4 thoughts on “Think About Your Eyes This Summer

  1. Having light eyes sun is my worst enemy in the summer time. I have to wear sunglasses or I get headache. Great reminder

  2. Those sunglasses are so cute! Hope her first eye appointment goes well. Both of my kids do surprisingly well at the optometrist. I was expecting them to whig out at their first appointments and they did great!

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