A month old already and Enzo’s tininess and soft lanugo hair is fading away. It’s so hard to image what life was before we became a family of four.
300 diapers later and 10lbs in, he’s moved on up to size 2 diapers, I ordered the right amount! Newborn cloths are starting to fit snug and 3-6M cloths are next on my list to stock up on.
Every morning or whenever he wakes up Enzo makes the loudest grunts and burbs that are no joke, a guy thing a guess! He loves to be worn in any carrier, but doesn’t mind being put down as long as someone is in close proximity. Enzo is messy nurser when drinking mama’s milk throughout the day, I’ll have to remember to bring an extra shirt when out and about!

Cataleya is in love with Enzo and gives him tons of kisses on of his head, feet and belly. However, when she is sleeping she dislikes when he grunts or cries, but who could blame her? She’s an amazing helper with diapers, wipes and even places Enzo’s cloths into the hamper.
I can’t wait to watch and try to document all your milestones with your Ate! Happy 1 month Enzo.
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